Lionesse Pride

A couple weeks ago a friend and I decided that we really needed to drop the weight and keep it off for good. Being that we are both in our 30s now, kids and all, we weren't getting any younger. We have been trying to lose weight for 7 years now and once we start we never finish. I came to the realization that the reason why I never stuck to the plan is because life changed on me a lot and when it did I ALWAYS fell off track. When I first started my weight loss journey I was only 125 lbs. I am 5'3 and always have weighed around 110-115. When I first started noticing my pants getting tighter I decided to join a gym and start working out. Of course that didn't last long and over the years I would gain little by little. Now I am at 150+ and if I don't do something about it now then I will definitely be heading toward 175 or more in the next few years. I have to take control of my life NOW.

Since me and my "soul sister" Kiki decided to lose weight together we vowed to be there for one another and not let the other one slip up. We realize that we will have our ups and downs but in the long run we will have each other to pull us through to the next day, week and month. When we told our friends and family that we have decided to once and for all change our lives to a more healthier and active lifestyle, we were surprised by how many friends we had that wanted to jump on board with us. That is a great thing, because the more support you have the better! We decided at that point that we should create a facebook page so all of us could support one another through our journey. It's so nice to have daily motivation and support from people that are also striving to reach the same goal. We decided that we would open up our page to women only and invite members that shared the same struggle and needed extra support. We even created a website!

I truly believe that this is the beginning of a new me. It's been two weeks now since we started the page and the group has grown to 47 members from all over the U.S. I have since made extreme changes in my life so far. I have not had any alcohol, I only drink water and green tea. Sometimes I will have a diet soda once or twice a week. I have exercised 5 times a week so far. I also stick to 1200-1500 cal per day. I make healthy choices when eating out and I have even gotten my roommate and my boyfriend to start exercising and eating better too! I am so excited to continue my journey and I know I can do this! Especially with the help of my soul sister Kiki and my group The Lionesse Ladies Club.

If any ladies out there would like to join our pride you can first look up our website and make sure this is something you would be interested in. Then just send us a friends request!

Here is to a new me.....